Charity Spotlight #1 – Rowans Hospice
0 min read

At Tekta our Q4 theme is Champions of Charity, we are divided into two teams – each team will support 2-3 charities both in raising funds and also volunteering time.
When our team met to discuss which charities we should support – the first on the list was the Rowans Hospice. Rowans is a local charity to our office and they provide free care and support to adults with a life-limiting illness (as well as their families).
Rowans means a lot to us here at Tekta, through the amazing work they do they have touched countless lives and families in the local area. Having had family members and friends who have suffered from cancer and other life-limiting illnesses I’m very pleased to be able to support Rowans in a small way.
In order to provide their free care, Rowan’s need to generate 80% of their income through legacies, donations, fundraising and their retail shops. Keep an eye on the TEKTA UK linkedin page to see how you can help us support Rowan’s Hospice and the amazing work they do.
You can also check out Rowan’s website for more information on their work as well as the wonderful people who work there and ways you can support them